Acts of Service Renew Us

couple holding their baby | Purple Horizons

My friend, with her husband and baby

Last month I flew across the country to help my best friend for a week after she had her first baby. While I was holding her precious bundle one day, it dawned on me that helping her was actually helping me. I was getting completely renewed by serving her.

While my week was filled with helping my friend navigate motherhood for the first time, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and holding a crying baby, I also got a week away from my own children, as well as the chance to spend uninterrupted time with my bestie for the first time in years. We talked about so much that phone calls, and brief visits just don’t allow for. Serious things like marriage, house and car shopping, and career choices. Silly things like t.v shows, past vacations, and karaoke shenanigans. My spirit felt completely renewed by the time I returned home. I was visibly happier and walking taller.

Volunteering is a Good Thing

Over the past few years, I’ve been seeing memes and videos encouraging women to say “No” more often. To stop over-committing. If you see PTA Moms, run the other way. While I understand the sentiment, and agree to an extent, I believe that volunteering for things that we really care about is better for us than staying at home. Being mindful about where we choose to spend our precious time is the key.

Do you love seeing kids smile? Volunteer for an event at their school. The hours you put into planning the event will be worth it when you see hundreds of kids squealing with delight!

Do you love babies? There are many opportunities to hold babies in NICUs across the country. You can also become a postpartum doula and get paid to help people with their babies, just like I did with my friend (and with paying clients for years). Holding a baby releases oxytocin (the love hormone), thus making you happier.

Do you love theatre? Community theatres all over the country always need volunteers for everything from serving on the board to acting to serving concessions. Creating art takes many hands, and is very rewarding.

Do you love animals? Shelters everywhere need volunteers to walk and play with the dogs.

Do you love your friends? If you have a friend who’s going through a hard time, just had a baby, or surgery, take them a meal or coffee, or show up at their house and do their dishes. Sit and chat with them. Human connection goes so far.

A Joyful Heart

These are just a few examples of how serving others can really renew your spirit. Be choosy about how and where you spend your time. Over-committing is bad. That does wreck you. I can speak from experience. Last year, I went overboard with being PTA President and planning the silent auction while also planning my twins’ birthday party. At the same time, I applied to be on a different board with the school district with a bigger time commitment than the PTA board. I went to one meeting, and needed to bow out. It was way too much, even though it was something that I really cared and felt passionate about.

tiny white hearts floating | Purple Horizons Coaching

My tenure as the PTA President came to an end last July, and I decided to step back and reassess what was going to serve me better. I love helping the school, so I decided that spending an hour in my kids’ classroom every week helping with reading would be a better fit for me this year. It has made a big difference in my life and soul! I love seeing the 

progress that the kids make in their reading! It makes me so happy, and I am doing something that helps the teacher and the school. 

I found the right fit for me at this time in my life. I also jump at the chance to help my friends, like I did by going to Ohio last month, or taking soup to a sick friend. If you’re mindful about committing to what you love and what you really have time for, you will reap the rewards of a joyful heart.

Renewal Challenge

The importance of taking the time to renew can’t be understated. We get so caught up with the needs of our families, business, and home that we often put ourselves last. That’s why Renewal is one of the 12 Heart Prisms of my coaching programs. There are many ways to renew, and one of those is through acts of service. I challenge you to do something that fills your heart this week. Do you have a favorite act of service? A hobby that lifts your spirits? A favorite self-care ritual? I want to hear what you are doing to renew. If you don’t have a regular practice, try some new things until you find something that fits. What do you commit to trying this week?

About Tyana Kelley

Tyana Kelley is the coach and designer behind Purple Horizons. She loves helping people, tap dancing, and knitting. She lives in Centralia, WA with her twins and husband, and puppy, Coco.